Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold

The atmosphere of an office can greatly affect the productivity and satisfaction of your employees. You can pick out the perfect ergonomic office furniture, arrange the most open and friendly workspace, and provide employees with all of the perks and conveniences possible, however, you may still be missing one key element that can significantly affect mood and productivity. An element of an office environment that should always be addressed is the temperature.

In the summer months, central air will give employees relief from the heat. The problem is that sometimes central air can then make an office uncomfortably cold. In many offices, employees have sweaters, jackets, heaters, or even gloves to keep them from freezing due to the air conditioning. While this may seem preferable to the 90-degree heat outside, it may be substantially decreasing the productivity and outlook of your employees.

Researchers at Cornell University once conducted a study regarding the link between workplace temperature and employee productivity. The study found that, in a 68-degree office environment, employees made 44 percent more typing errors. When the thermostat was raised to 77 degrees, not only did accuracy significantly improve but also output increased by 150 percent. The study found that a warmer office meant more productive and accurate employees.

In addition to work output, increasing the temperature in your office can help to improve employee relationships and attitude. A psychological study has linked feeling physically cold to also judging other people as emotionally cold. Cold employees may believe that their coworkers are not as open, supportive, or generous as when the temperature is warmer. Higher temperatures tend to cause employees to open up and cooperate and feel less lonely or isolated. Therefore, warmer employees tend to be happier employees.

Office temperature is definitely a concern for company owners and managers. If you are unsure how to regulate office temperature, consider discussing the matter with a consultant who understands how to best set up your office environment. While one temperature will likely never please all of your employees, you can find a good middle ground to try to keep them happy.

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At National Project Group, we are committed to helping business of all sizes across the United States manage the complicated logistics of moving an office from one place to another as efficiently as possible. Whether you are moving across town or across the country, we can minimize the disruptions associated with an office move. In addition, we offer a comprehensive selection of new, pre-owned, and remanufactured office furniture that can furnish any office space. From selecting the right office furniture to many other aspects of your workplace, we can help ensure you have a happy and productive workforce. Call us today at 800-821-3522.